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Ultraviolet (UV) light is commonly used to disinfect water, surfaces and the air. It has the ability to kill airborne pathogens and generally improve the air quality. To be more specific, UV light has been proven to be effective against bacteria, mold, fungus and viruses including SARS-CoV-2.


(FDA confirming)



There are two types of UV light purifiers :


1. Exposed lamp UV air purifier

This air purifier can disinfect effectively a small room over long exposure. When active, the lamp is exposed and lights directly into the room and surfaces. Therefore it must operate when no one is in the room.

Exposed lampExposed lamp

2. Internal lamp UV air purifier

This air purifier utilises it's internal UV lamps to disinfect the air. The air passes through the system and exits decontaminated and germ-free. It's worth noting that the system can be used around people because the UV light is unexposed.

Internal lampInternal lamp

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